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We are a supportive housing program with a community outreach component, for women and their children who are fleeing abuse. We provide support for these women by keeping families together wherever they are on their journey. We can also support clients with community outreachalternative housing searches, and transportation for women fleeing domestic violence.

LKSH Purpose

The purpose of the Linda Krystina Safe House (LKSH) is to provide a haven for women and their children fleeing violence; giving them the opportunity to feel safe and supported while they heal. We provide support for these women by keeping families together wherever they are on their journey.

Note: While programs and supports are focused on Indigenous teachings, you do not have to be First Nations to access the LKSH.


During their stay each client will meet with a support worker and create a care plan that is tailored to the needs of that client and their family.

Some of the supports the clients may receive are:

  • All the necessary health and hygiene supplies, clothing, and self-care items
  • Assistance modeling basic life skills such as preparing, cooking, and creating balanced healthy meals, house hygiene, etc.
  • Assistance with developing family management skills
  • Accessing Cultural Supports and Programming
  • Assistance with obtaining financial security
  • Housing, employment, and education searches
  • Relocation planning and assistance
  • Continued Outreach Supports after their departure from the program

What brings a sense of uniqueness to the supports and programs offered at the LKSH is that we strive to ensure all supports and services are culturally based to assist the clients in healing their mind, body, spirit, and soul.

Length of Stay

Woman and their children entering the LKSH program can stay for up to 14 days; an extension past this time may be determined by the Manager of Programming and a recommendation to the manager by support staff.

Linda Krystina Safe House Staff

The staff of the LKSH is a cohesive team of women who have years of unique experience, education, and training in supporting women and children in crisis. The team is continually improving their knowledge basket with the newest and up to date methods of trauma informed care and support, with person-centered supports and service delivery.

In 2017, the Saulteau First Nations (SFN) community was rocked to the core by a senseless act of violence which resulted in the death of two of their beloved community members, Linda and Krystina. In a response, the community rallied to create a solution for future individuals who are facing violence at the hands of a spouse or family member.

The Chief and Council of the Saulteau First Nations purchased the safe house with the goal of bringing awareness and support to the community.

Our Core Values


holding space for individual cultural beliefs, practices, and traditions.


for the land, oral traditions, and each other.


as the value which enables people to live in harmony and balance with creation.


taking the life lessons one receives and using them to grow and change in a healthier way.


as you grow and as you know, you give that away.


interconnectedness of all living things and the spirit that exists within each of us.


building a culture of safety and security.

Free Transportation

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